Eternal Song of Rain

Eternal Song of Rain

1. Eternal Song of Rain
Whenever I’m feeling upset, I close my eyes
And to a place I get, Here, I smell
The fragrance of sweet rain;
The rain that washes away all my pain. There I sit under a big tree,
And I know that here I’m free.
Knowing that I’m free of the suffering of this planet, I sit here on my little blue blanket

Then, when it’s time to go back home, I wish I could stay here forever
But, I leave anyway, Because I know,
This Eternal Song of Rain will never stop

2. A Beautiful Chaos
Tonight, outside I can see,
A giant tree in front of me.
The wind is bowling, feeling free.

And the sky is starry, The clouds come by. Above the ground, They are eternally high.
The rain is knocking on our door, If we open it will pour

The smell of rain fills the air, As it combs through my hair.

Then, in distance, A thunderbolt
Makes the moment suddenly halt.

The wind becomes restless, The rain pours reckless The perfect moment ends, And therefore starts,
A Beautiful Chaos.

3. Silence of The Night
Away from the plains, Away from the city.

Tonight i sit here,
In the folds of this mountain.

Away from the chaos of the night, I sit here silently.

I hear noise in distance, And see stars, this instance.

There are constellations forming above me, Eternally beautiful, as they’ll ever be.

In this moment, I wish,
I could stay here forever,
In the darkness of this night- Silently.

4. A storm Inside
The Storm Outside

Is loud and powerful, But the storm inside is
Silent and makes me weak

The sound outside of dancing trees Echos like music for me
But the sound in my head
Are hundreds of voices, causing chaos

The rain outside Is full of peace,
But the rain inside is Tears of sorrow

The wind outside is Cool and free
But inside, There’s a tornado

The dark outside Lightens with time, But the dark inside,
Only gets deeper and deeper

5. A Burning Flame
I watched it burn,
It was tiny when I lit it.
But it grew into the perfect flame, It lit my room in an orange hue.
Isn’t that what a candle is supposed to do? I watched it dance,
I watched it flicker, As the wind went by.
Moving in all directions, Till it eventually died.

6. When The Rain Falls
When the rain falls, Do you see,
The little drops falling On you and me?

When the rain falls, Do you hear,
The music it makes with the air?

When the rain falls,
Are you as happy as the trees? Have you ever seen them Feeling more free?
When the rain falls,
Are you as happy as me?


Anoushka Banerjee


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