Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse

“To let go does not mean to get rid of. To let go means to let be. When we let be with compassion, things
come and go on their own.”
― Jack Kornfield.

when evening was immersed
in the shade of the solar eclipse,
and the world was counting
the darkness it casted among
other souls,
there were few who looked
deeper into it and were using its
power to let go of something
of the past.

it is said that during eclipse,
the past becomes powerful.
memories resurface in our body,
mind and postures with or without
our will or call.

and it is the best time to let go.
to drop the baggage of yesterday.
to forget what has been a bondage.

time to break free,
time to let it all down,
what is not going to us



Prerna Gupta


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