Karma in action

Karma in action

“Learn to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.”
~Leonardo da Vinci

When something terrible happens,
we desperately seek the Supreme
God, clairvoyants, palmists, eldersand question: ‘Why me?

Why me?
Why only me?

I was good.
I was kind. I was doing fine.
Then, why me?’

But neither that question alleviates the
pain nor changes our dire situation. It
infact works like a salt on fresh

This is Karma. Whatever happened to
us happened because this is what we
did to the world.

Remember that old rusty phrase,
‘You reap what you sow.

But it is true. And it is one of the Universal
Laws of the World. We cannot sow apple
and expect for the peach to bloom.

We need to do good to receive good.
We need to be kind to receive kindness.
We need to radiate love to receive love.

Next time something terrible happens,
Let’s reflect on where we went wrong?
Did we harm someone in the similar
way in the recent few days or weeks?

Ask for forgiveness and be good
from now on. Here is hope for

Prerna Gupta


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