Follow your Dreams

Follow your Dreams

Well! The goal is set
the path is laid.

Now, whether there are
spikes or stones,
it doesn’t matter

It can be trekking on The Mount Everest
or swimming The Great Blue Hole,
if it is what you dream
about, then
there is a way.

And if there is a way,
there is a song for the way.
If there is a song for the way,
there is a joy for the heart.

And amid all the chasing and
sweating, there is stillness in
between the breaks. Stillness
better than the peace attained
on death bed, and fragrance
better than the milk rose.

It is while working on the dreams,
We find the blue pearl of the soul,
the piece that makes us complete.

Stay with
Prerna 🙂

Prerna Gupta


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