Ihana Dhillon takes to the gram on her Birthday showing gratitude for her recovery after her accident from last year

Ihana Dhillon takes to the gram on her Birthday

Seven fractures. A slip disk. Broken Clavicle.Innumerable bruises. But an unbroken spirit. Last year on the eve of her birthday, Ihana Dhillon suffered from a massive amount of injuries after a fatal accident. After uncountable days in pain, she emerged from it with the help of her friends, family and doctors and this year celebrated a new birthday with only memories from that unfortunate incident.

She took to her social media platform displaying her feelings of gratitude and reminiscing how one year ago things were terribly different from what they are now.

She captioned her birthday post saying, ” 17th August 2021, one year ago exactly on my birthday eve, my life changed when I met with a tragic accident. It felt like life will never be the same due to the grave injuries I received in that accident.
This one yeas has been a battle of hospital visits, Physio therapies, feeling helpless while trying to recover and get back to normal. And with God’s grace and help and support of a team of doctors, family and friends like family, I’m fully recovered and feel as good as new. I feel blessed when one year later on 18th August 2022 I celebrate my new birth today with my friends. Big thanks to each and everyone who took out time to wish me on my birthday 🙏🙏🤗🤗
#feelblessed #birthday2022
I’m fresh and new and rejuvenated and this all feels like a rebirth on my birthday.”


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