Education- Interesting facts 01 August 2022

How do animals see in the dark

🤔 How it works ……..

How do animals see in the dark?

Nocturnal hunters like owls and cats eyes are tubular, rather than spherical, with a very large lens positioned close to the retina. This structure allows a lot of light to register on the retina.
Many nocturnal animals have a mirror-like layer, called the tapetum, behind the retina, which helps them make the most of small amounts of light. Light that passes through the retina is reflected off the tapetum, giving the retinal cells a second chance to sense it. This makes some animals’ eyes shine in the glare of car headlights. The color you see is the pigment on the inner layer of the retina.

At the heart of all vision is the retina, which contains two types of light-sensing cells: rods and cones. Cones account for color vision but require bright, focused light, whereas rods can sense very dim, scattered light, but don’t produce a color image.
One should not get the impression that an animal’s night vision is perfect – even nocturnal animals aren’t active in the darkest hours of a moonless night.


Why can’t animals talk?

The Broca’s area in the cerebrum of our brain is closely associated with speech comprehension. This part of the brain is less developed, or absent, in other animals. Therefore, it is said to confer upon us the ability to talk. There is also the presence of certain pathways found only in some animals, humans among them. These pathways are supposed to be instrumental in our vocal abilities. The other groups of animals who are said to possess these pathways are birds, like hummingbirds, songbirds and parrots, as well as mammals like bats and cetaceans.

Parrots can mimic the sound made by humans, these do not understand the meaning of these words.

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Dhola Sadiya Bridge on Lohit river is the longest road bridge in India,* located on the Brahmaputra river in Assam connect the states of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. The 9.15 kilometres long.



*Purushottam Das Tandon* ( 1 Aug 1882 – 1 July 1962) was a freedom fighter from Uttar Pradesh. He is widely remembered for his efforts in achieving the Official Language of India status for Hindi.

He was customarily given the title Rajarshi ( Raja + Rishi = Royal Saint). He was popularly known as UP Gandhi.

Indian govt. awarded him with India’s highest civilian award, prestigious Bharat Ratna, in 1961.


Stop Short of Something: When your works stop mid-way due to some circumstances.

जब किन्हीं कारणों से आपके काम बीच में ही रुक जाते हैं
*Bustle*× slowness,quiet
Bustle : Commotion, Tumult


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Ch Narmada Naveen Kumar 1 Ch Narmada Naveen Kumar

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