Threat to Internal Security

Threat to Internal Security

“…..The first requirement in the country was external and internal security. You cannot have any plan unless there is security.”
~Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

We are at war on borders but the worst is we are at war within the borders too. We don’t know who to trust and who not to. Civilians are getting involved in Lone Wolf Attacks under the impression that they are doing it for the betterment of the clan.

Have we ever seen the crabs leaving the bucket? No, because they slide when they make an attempt to rise, and if by chance any one of them does, it is pulled down by the force of others.

Remember the Pulwama Attack of 14 February 2019, where 40 Indian soldiers from the Central Reserve Police Force were killed.

We, together as a nation have gone through a lot of hardships from the period of Mughals to Britishers to Partition. We have faced the consequence of communal riots, religious clashes, and political upheavals. It never ends well.

Haven’t we learned nothing from experience? Hasn’t there been enough bloodshed already?

It is said that there are no bad students, only bad teachers. Because a teacher is a leader, a visionary. If he nudges the unripened fruit in the right direction, it adds value to the nation.

Otherwise, it spoils and spoils others in the basket.

For example, the leader of Mizoram Pu Laldenga signed a treaty with the Indian Government and worked for the progress of the state while its neighbor Manipur remained underdeveloped fighting among the tribes and religions within the state. In 1999, Mizoram outclassed Kerala in literacy rate. Their state’s official language is English. There men and women are equally participating in the service sector and growing exponentially. Zoramthanga, Mizoram’s chief minister, said he is trying to make it the Switzerland of the East.

Peaceful leaders with a vision bring peace and progress to the territory. Thus, it is important we choose our leaders wisely and not follow the misleading ones blindly.

Horrors of war, deaths, and rapes are no fictional story that is happening in Afghanistan. Like the Taliban, in India, we have upsurging daggers from terrorism, extremism, communal and regional riots, and Naxalites.

Many external terrorist organizations are funding and breeding the seeds of revenge and slaughter among us. We together have to be on the lookout for ourselves and shield our country from breaking into segments from the poisonous plans.

The government is taking steps and preventive measures but if we stand in solidarity with each other with trust and a progressive mindset then, nothing can divide us.

It is important to cease these ongoing fights inside the nations to stand strong in front of the rest of the world.

Vilcabamba, the valley of eternal youth, is world-renowned for the longevity of the residents.

Upon research, it was found that these people support each other as brothers and work, laugh, and eat together. They cultivate acceptance, love, and harmony for each other.

We need to stop tearing each other down. We need to start looking out for each other. We need to cultivate a safe, happy, and abundant environment for our children to grow up in.

Stay with
Prerna 🙂

Prerna Gupta


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