Time For Yoga & Beyond

Time For Yoga Beyond


How does doing simple acts of twisting and turning and holding the body in some position will give all answers of spirituality that we have been asking all along?

Yoga is not what we think of as yoga. Yoga is a union. When we are in yoga, we experience everything as one. There is no separation between “you” and “me” and “he” and “she”. Either all is you or all is me. But there is no line of separation. And the process through which we reach this stage is called yoga. It is the technique, science or path that aligns our physical, mental, and energy body in perfect alignment to nature and we experience oneness with the Universe consciously.

Right now, beneath each of us there is a longing for the boundless expansion and since, we are not conscious of it, it takes shapes of greed, conquest or ambition. That is why, it is suggested by enlightened men to not turn to spirituality when we are still aspiring. Instead, just follow our dreams, money, love life, or whatever we think upon attaining will give us boundless peace and joy. All to know the experience, the vanity, the futility of things that glitter. Spirituality works only if we are willing and if we believe it works. It is the key to gain access to the blissful body that is already in us. But it would require our 100% devotion. And that will only come when we have attained success in life but still something in us is not satisfied. Something in us is asking for more.

There is a mountain in Karnataka, South India called Kumara Parvat. Kumara refers to Kartikeya, the son of Shiva. He fought many battles because he wanted to transform the world ending the reign of bad people. But when he realized the worthlessness of his actions that even if he fought for thousands of years, the world would not transform as per his will. So, he came to the summit of this mountain, washed his blood spilled sword for the last time, and stood up and exited his body. This is called Mahasamadhi (to voluntarily exit the physical body without damage). Only those who have complete mastery over the life process can do this.

He teaches us how divine relaxation will dawn upon us. We are nothing as compared to the entire Universe. Our thoughts, actions, emotions, and body that we are so concerned about is going to attain nothing at cosmic level. It does not matter how hard we try.

The only thing that we are capable to maganing is our own self. So, we should try at our own level to enhance the life that is existing in us. We think we are composed of body, mind, and energy.

But as per Yogic Science, we are composed of five bodies: Physical Body/ Annamayakosha: It is the product of all the nourishment we have acquired over years. We became what we eat. That is why it is good to be vegan.

Mental Body/ Manomayakosha: It is the product of various impressions we have accumulated over years. Like memory, knowledge, belief, culture, superstitions, etc.

Energy Body/ Pranamayakosha: If our energy body is full of vibrancy and in perfect balance, no disease will enter into our mental and physical body.

Etheric Body/ Vignanamayakosha: It is the transient state which can only be accessed beyond the sensory perceptions. It is a link between the physical and nonphysical body. Near death experience people slip into this dimension but we can learn to consciously gain access to this dimension once we have certain mastery over the above three dimensions of body.

Blissful Body/ Anadamayakosha: It has nothing to do with the physical realm. When we gain access to this indefinable realm, we experience an overwhelming sense of joy. It is the dimension of nonexistence. And when we touch this, bliss is guaranteed.

But how can we gain access to realms and dimensions that are not physical and beyond sensory perceptions? As per yogic science, we need to work on the physical, mental and energy body and the doors of an etheric and blissful body will automatically open. We have to work on what we have, whatever we know and reach what is there, the ultimate goal.

Past is full of notable people who had access to the other realms like Ravindranath Tagore. Every morning at three, he sat immovable in contemplation, and for two two hours did not wake up from his reverie upon the nature of life force. He consciously touched the other dimensions of body and sat in state of utter bliss.

Yoga is a conscious journey from known to the unknown. It is about enhancing the life of daily miracles. We are all equally capable to slipping into this world but it just needs an intention and commitment.

Stay with
Prerna 🙂

Prerna Gupta


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