Search for Happiness

Search for Happiness

We, as human beings, are driven by joy, peace, and blissfulness. Whatever we do today must yield pleasantness. People who act otherwise, without certainty, are doomed crazy. But as it turns out meaningless wanderings are much more fruitful than the intentional counted steps could ever be. For, it offers the possibility of limitless potential and unexpected rewards.

So, being joyous is quite similar to it. We relate to external situations in life like villa, private jet, Mercedes, doorman, beautiful wife, healthy parents, adventurous friends, wonderful business, but the truth is joy dwells within. We create joy within. And when we are joyful from inside, we attract joyful circumstances in life. We vibrate with the Universe at a joyful frequency.

But the tricky thing is we don’t know how to sustain it because we have forgotten our nature. We are not in sync with the life inside. We have lost touch with ourselves, our souls. That is why we have such difficulty being peaceful and happy which comes so naturally to animals and birds. Once, their stomach is full, a serenity settles on their face. On the other hand, we the most evolved species struggle with the simplest of things that is to be content and joyous in the moment.

It is our nature to crave and long for stuff we don’t have. We are always running after some or the other thing. That is why it is important to cultivate the habit of gratefulness to live life to the optimum and appreciate it while we have it instead of holding on to the feeling of lack, emptiness, and unfulfillment.

Here is an important question to ask: what is the reason behind this longing? We keep longing for success, money, relationships, acknowledgement, validation, but as soon as we attain them, we pick a new longing.

What is this longing really about?
What is this constant emptiness that we feel inside?
How can we end this craving and live an abundant and magical life everyday?

We are a piece of life, complete in ourselves. When we sit and close our eyes and look inside, one moment arrives when we are synced back with our own existence. When we realize that life is a process and feel the entire universe as ourselves.

That day we won’t have to learn compassion, morality, ethics, empathy as subjects from parents, school or religion. Because it comes naturally to us. It is something we are born with. But today we have drifted so far among the sea and got entangled by aquatic mosses that surviving on land seems a distant dream. But we are land animals.

We are longing to unite with our own nature. We are longing to unite with the Universe. We are
longing to unite with greater intelligence.

And the only path to it is to realize that we are not our body, nor our mind. Body and mind are mere accumulations of things we learnt in this lifetime to behave, act and speak, to live as part of community. Real knowledge lies inside. It is the higher intelligence. It knows everything.

All you need to do is ask: who are you? And sit still and meditate on this question. Feel your breath, feel the life processes happening inside: breathing, digestion and everything will transform from that moment onwards.

You will be enlightened. Enlightenment means to realize that whatever happens in life, we experience inside. And we can never control the external situations but we control how it affects us by controlling our body, mind, emotions and energy.

And the day we start taking conscious control of our body, mind, emotions and energy, life becomes magical. Every moment is filled with magic. Everything becomes possible. We become limitless. We feel the warmth of the sun shining, the beauty of flower blooming, the taste of mango melting in our mouth, and many more such circumstances.

Life is full of magic and abundance. The only thing we need to do is to stop looking for joy outside, we need to start feeling the joy that already exists within us. We have to get back in sync with our own nature and live, laugh, and love all day long.

It is scientifically proven that positivity and happiness doubles our intellectual capability. So, let’s start walking on the spiritual lane and free ourselves from daily entanglements and rise higher to help ourselves and others.

Stay with
Prerna 🙂

Prerna Gupta


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