InFacts about India-10 March 2022

meerut city


Meerut is a city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. The city may have derived its name from ‘Mayarashtra’ (Sanskrit: मयराष्ट्र), the capital of the kingdom of Mayasura, Mandodari’s father and Ravana’s father-in-law. This name may have mutated to Mairashtra, Mai-dant-ka-khera, Mairaath and eventually Meerut. Meerut is famously associated with the Indian protest of 1857 against the British East India Company. The famous slogan “Dilli Chalo” (“Let’s march to Delhi!”) was first raised here. Meerut cantonment is the place where the protest started when Hindu and Muslim soldiers were given rifle cartridges rumoured to have a coating made of animal fat. 1857 Mutineers’ Mosque


PRADYUMNA (प्रद्युम्न) is the eldest son of the Sri Krishna and Rukmini. Pradyumna is considered one of the four vyuha avatars of Vishnu. According to the Bhagavata Purana, Pradyumna was an rebirth of Kamadeva, the God of love. The Mahabharata mentions that Pradyumna was portion of Sanat Kumara

मुक्ताभिमानी मुक्तो हि बद्धो बद्धाभिमान्यपि।
किवदन्तीह सत्येयं या मतिः सा गतिर्भवेत्॥ –

muktābhimānī muktō hi baddhō baddhābhimānyapi।
kivadantīha satyēyaṃ yā matiḥ sā gatirbhavēt॥

भावार्थ: स्वयं को मुक्त मानने वाला मुक्त ही है, और बद्ध मानने वाला बंधा हुआ ही है, यह कथन सत्य ही है, कि जैसी बुद्धि होती है, वैसी ही गति होती है।

Meaning: If one thinks of oneself as free, one is free, and if one thinks of oneself as bound, one is bound. Here this saying is true, “Thinking makes it so”.

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Kitchen पाकशाला, पाककक्षा

अहं पाकशालायां पाकं करोमि।

I am cooking in the kitchen.


Ch Narmada Naveen Kumar 1 Ch Narmada Naveen Kumar

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