World and International News – 05 February 2022

ukraine russian crises


1. India offers 80 Afghan cadets one-year training programme: The Afghan embassy in India welcomed the offer considering the uncertain future facing the young cadets in view of the prevailing situation in Afghanistan. The Afghan cadets will be given training under the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Programme (ITEC) of the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA). programme starts on February 7 and the cadets will be placed in three different institutes in India and that they will be provided with accommodation and a monthly allowance.

2. India regularly provided military training to young Afghan cadets in the last few years in sync with its close ties with Afghanistan.The Taliban captured power in Afghanistan on August 15 following the withdrawal of the American forces. India has not recognised the new regime in Afghanistan and has been pitching for the formation of a truly inclusive government in Kabul besides insisting that Afghan soil must not be used for any terrorist activities against any country

3. In the last couple of months, India delivered large quantities of life-saving medicines and other supplies as part of its humanitarian aid to the war-torn country. India has been pitching for providing unimpeded humanitarian aid to Afghanistan to address the unfolding humanitarian crisis in the country.

4. MoS (External Affairs) V Muraleedharan said in the Parliament that India has taken note of the bridge being constructed by China on Pangong lake. “This bridge is being constructed in areas that have continued to be under the illegal occupation of China since 1962,” he said. He added the government expects other nations to respect India’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

5. China and Russia on Friday said they aim to “comprehensively strengthen” Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and further enhance its role in shaping a polycentric world order. This comes as China hosted Russian President Vladimir Putin for opening of Beijing Winter Olympics. SCO is an Eurasian political and security alliance comprising eight member-states including India.

6. The United States has asserted that it stands with India against Chinese aggression as several lawmakers slammed China for choosing a PLA soldier, who was part of the military command that attacked Indian soldiers in the Galwan Valley in 2020, as a torchbearer for the Beijing Winter Olympics.


1. Pakistan has signed an agreement with China to begin a new phase of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) during PM Imran Khan’s ongoing visit to Beijing, the Chinese capital. The agreement is about industrial cooperation under phase two of the CPEC. The first phase was primarily about Chinese investments in energy projects as well as road infrastructure.

2. NROL-87 was launched by SpaceX. Under the mission, the company recently launched a spy satellite for the US military. The satellite was carried by Falcon rocket. This is the second of the three planned launches under the mission.

NROL-87: It is the first NRO mission that involved rocket landing. Rocket landing is also called vertical landing. It was launched from the Vandenberg Space Force base located in California. The NROL-87 is a US reconnaissance satellite.

3. Why is there tension between Russia and Ukraine?

Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. It is the second-largest country by area in Europe after Russia, which it borders to the east and north-east. Ukraine officially declared itself an independent country on 24 August 1991, when the communist Supreme Soviet (parliament) of Ukraine proclaimed that Ukraine would no longer follow the laws of USSR and only the laws of the Ukrainian SSR, de facto declaring Ukraine’s independence from the Soviet Union.

The crisis began on 21 November 2013, when then-president Viktor Yanukovych suspended preparations for the implementation of an association agreement with the European Union. The decision sparked mass protests from proponents of the agreement. Around the same time, Russia forcibly annexed Crimea. Ukraine was in a vulnerable position for self-defense, with a temporary government and unprepared military.

The war has centered on the status of Crimea and parts of the Donbas, which are largely internationally recognized as part of Ukraine.

What do Ukrainians want?
Russia’s military aggression in Donbas and the annexation of Crimea have galvanized public support for Ukraine’s Western leanings.

Ukraine’s government has said it will apply for European Union membership in 2024, and Ukraine has ambitions to join NATO, which President Putin sees as a direct threat to Russia’s power in the East. But President Putin is keen to regain control of the country’s former territories.

Why would the US want to get involved in this conflict?
With its annexation of Crimea and support for the Donbas conflict, Russia has violated the Budapest Memorandum Security Assurances for Ukraine, a 1994 agreement between the U.S., United Kingdom and Russia that aims to protect Ukraine’s sovereignty in exchange for its commitment to give up its nuclear arsenal.

*Currently, the two countries are in a state of war* : Russia has amassed an estimated 100,000 troops along its border with Ukraine over the past several months. The world is anxiously waiting to see whether Russian President Vladimir Putin will invade, with both the US and UK warning Russia will face severe sanctions if it launches an attack.

US President Joe Biden has warned that if Russia were to invade Ukraine it would be “the largest invasion since World War Two” and would “change the world”. Meanwhile, Boris Johnson is heading to Ukraine to speak with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The UK is set to provide tens of millions of pounds in an attempt to shore up democracy in Ukraine and reduce its reliance on Russian energy, as the Prime Minister holds out hope he can defuse tensions on the country’s border. The US has 8,500 troops on high alert to be deployed to Nato’s eastern flank.

4. Cyclone Batsirai to displace 1.5 lakh people in Madagascar: Predicted by weather experts to be more powerful than Ana, Batsirai is expected to strike eastern Madagascar on Saturday.

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