World and International News – 09 January 2022

james webb space telescope


1. The Health and Family Welfare Ministry has issued guidelines for the international passwise ranging conversation with his Iranian colleague, H Amirabdolahian.

During the telephonic conversation, both Ministers discussed the difficulties of COVID, challenges in Afghanistan, prospects of Chabahar and complexities of the Iranian nuclear issue.

2. AFGHANISTAN : The First Deputy of the Prime Minister, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, called on foreign nations to provide humanitarian assistance to Afghans without consideration of the country’s political issues. In a video message broadcast by RTA, a state media outlet, Mullah Baradar called the Afghan situation “critical.” “On the one side, there are the oppressive sanctions, and on the other side there is no infrastructure in Afghanistan from the past 20 years to facilitate job opportunities for citizens,” he said.

3. TAPI : The major gas pipeline project known as TAPI– for Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India–has yet to be completed despite being “in progress” for the past three decades. During this time Afghanistan has seen the collapse and establishment of various governments. TAPI is considered one of the major development projects in the region. After Turkmenistan was separated from the Soviet Union in December 1991, it sought to develop economic projects and transfer its most valuable resource to South Asian nations.


1. PAKISTAN : At least 21 people, including 9 children, froze to death in their vehicles due to unprecedented snowfall and rush of tourists to the popular hill station Murree in Punjab province.

2. Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen returned to Phnom Penh on Saturday after concluding his two day visit to Myanmar. He discussed a number of bilateral and regional issues of common interest and concerns.

3. Kazakhstan’s former intelligence chief Karim Massimov has been arrested on suspicion of treason following nationwide anti-government protests. Mr Massimov is an ally of former President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

4. Zimbabwe’s President Emmerson Mnangagwa has declared that 28 parliamentary by-elections postponed in 2020 because of the coronavirus pandemic will now be held on 26th of March.

5. BANGLADESH has discovered huge potential natural gas hydrate deposits of 0.11 to 0.73 trillion cubic feet (TCF) in its exclusive economic zone area.

6. World’s biggest, most powerful telescope fully deployed in space, says NASA : The James Webb Space Telescope, the world’s largest and most powerful space telescope, completed its two-week-long deployment phase on Saturday, unfolding the final mirror panel, NASA said.

7. Ethiopia on Friday released a host of top opposition leaders including members of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), in a bid to promote national dialogue. As per state media, senior opposition leaders Jawar Mohammed, Bekele Garba and Eskinder Nega were granted amnesty by the authorities. This comes amid the ongoing 14-month war between the federal government and the TPLF.

8. NEW APPOINTMENT: Veteran Chinese diplomat Zhang Ming takes over as new Secretary-General of SCO Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) with effect from 1st January.
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Ch Narmada Naveen Kumar 1 Ch Narmada Naveen Kumar

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