Trends of Signs (Rāśi’s) from 15-30 November 2021

trends of signs rasis

B A S E D   O N   M O O N   S I G N S   –   T H E   I N D I A N   S Y S T E M   A S   P E R   T H E   D A T E S
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Aries (Mésh)
 March 21 – April 19

This is a good time for Aries people in terms of health. Physical problems will go away. Digestive system will work properly and diabetes and blood pressure will also be under control. Take control of your anger. Financially also time is good, but money will be spent in useless works. Barriers are indicated in joint ventures as there may be differences of opinion between the partners. There may be differences between women in the family. The same will happen with relatives as well and this may hinder auspicious works in the family. Business on land and vehicles will be average. Do not buy or sell land or vehicles on November 20 and 21. Also, do not invest large sums of money in trading on these dates. Business of grain, paper, bullion, computer etc. will do well. This is a good time for students. Success in examinations is the sum. If you have given exam for job then its result will also be favourable. The child will give satisfaction. Those looking for a child will get success. Enemies will be defeated. Relations between husband and wife will improve. The time is especially good for lovers. Avoid travelling and drive carefully. Social prestige and fame will increase. Control your urge to get more respect. It is a good time for those engaged in service. Promotion is on the cards; New employment opportunities can also be found.



20 April – 20 May

Average time in relation to health. Rahu will create many types of mental stress. Stomach, gastric and ulcer problems will trouble you. But people with high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease will improve. There is a possibility of extravagance financially. Family relations will be bad and there are chances of misunderstanding with relatives, friends and colleagues. Slow progress will be seen in joint ventures. You can lose with borrowed money. Time is good for people who are involved in the business of land or vehicles. Avoid land, vehicle or economic deals on 15th, 16th and 17th November. This is an excellent time for students. Interest in studies will increase and you will get success in examinations. Job opportunities will be created. Those who want children will get good news. Mutual understanding between the couples will remain as usual. There is a possibility of useless arguments. Social prestige will increase. Politicians will get fame. There will be good progress in work. There are chances of promotion for those engaged in government service. Office environment will be good and chances of new job are also being made. There is also a possibility of extravagance.


Gemini (Mithūn)
21 May – 20 June

This is a good time for Gemini people in terms of health. But people suffering from blood pressure, diabetes and heart problems need to be careful. Mars will increase blood pressure. control anger; This will help in keeping health problems under control. People suffering from allergies or blood disorders also need to be careful. Economically this is an average period. Do not give loans during this time. Women should be careful from any kind of dispute or dispute in the family. Family ties are likely to suffer; Disputes may arise in the division of property etc. You will get profit in property. Those engaged in the business of building materials will see the same profit as the textile, stone, electrical and air-conditioning businesses. Avoid land, vehicle or financial deals on 21st, 22nd and 23rd November (till noon). Mother’s health may deteriorate. For students, it is an excellent time and favourable for those studying in any field. Time is especially favourable for those pursuing CA. There is a possibility of getting good news from the child side; The tension will go away. Enemies will try to hurt you secretly, so be careful. There will be ups and downs in married life, although there is a possibility of family tension. Take control of your anger. Social status and respect will improve. Court case will be resolved. Political work will be successful.


21 June – 22 July

This is a favourable time in terms of health for Cancer people. Gastric, stomach patients and people suffering from digestive disorders need to be careful while eating. Blood pressure, diabetes and heart related problems will be reduced. But people suffering from depression will have to face difficulties. Do meditation yoga to keep it under control. Financially, the time is good. The partnership will prosper. There is a possibility of auspicious work happening in the family. Mutual problems will be resolved, but avoid any kind of misunderstanding. Land and vehicle businesses are in for good times. Progress in business is on the cards. Paper, medicine, gems, food grains, rice, sugar and other similar businesses will benefit the most. Avoid buying or selling anything on 26, 27 and 28 November. Do not invest huge amount in business on these dates. This is not a good time for students; You will not get the expected results. The percentage will drop in the exam. Pregnant women need to be careful as they may face some problems. You will be worried about your children. The relationship between husband and wife will be sweeter. Wife’s health may be affected slightly. Avoid travel. Social honour and fame may suffer. There will be delay in getting success in various tasks. The wishes of the people engaged in government service will be fulfilled. Promotion is on the cards. Unemployed people can get jobs.


Leo (Sīmhā)
23 July – 22 August

Time is favourable in terms of health. Improvement will be seen in high blood pressure, diabetes and heart patients. It is a good time especially for people suffering from depression and mental stress. Financially, the time is good. But avoid giving big loans. Family environment will be good. There will be religious and auspicious functions in the house. Be careful friends. There will be obstructions in property works and minor damages may occur. There will be obstacles in business but be patient because after some time they will go away. Avoid land, vehicle and business deals on November 28, 29 and 30. Also, do not spend money on these dates. Father’s health may deteriorate. This is the average time for students. You will be mentally disturbed. Friendship with the opposite sex is on the cards. It will keep you excited. Friends can deceive you; Physical injury is also on the cards. There is a possibility of defamation from the child side. Enemies will be defeated. Relationship between husband and wife will improve and any misunderstanding will be removed. Social prestige and respect will be affected. Good time for those working in government or semi-government services. Promotion or a new job is on the cards. There are signs of wastefulness.


Virgo (Kanyā)
23 August – 22 September

Average time on the health front. Digestive system will be weak blood pressure and cardiac problems may arise. Be careful while eating and control your anger. Financially, the time is good. Partnership will work well. The stopped money will be gone. The work of the stock market will be sluggish. Relationships with friends and colleagues will improve and they will be helpful. But there may be misunderstanding between brothers. Real estate work will be normal. Business will continue as it is. Avoid deals on November 30th. This is a good time for students. Those studying in business and technical field will also have a good time. Medical students will be under stress. The child side is favourable and if there is any tension, it will be resolved. There will be balance in married life and the health of the couple will remain good. There may be minor misunderstandings. Social respect may be questioned. So avoid taking extra pride in religious, spiritual or social work done in the past. Court matters can get complicated. The fame of politicians will be less and political work will get stuck. So be patient.


23 September – 22 October

Time is favourable on the health front for Libra natives. There will be improvement in all kinds of problems. But be careful while eating and control your anger and ego. Financially, this is an average time. There may be unnecessary disputes in the family. There is also a possibility of misunderstanding with friends, colleagues and relatives. There is also a possibility of conflict with partner. There will be obstruction in religious and auspicious works. Land vehicle business will be good. People related to metal business, auto, electricity, property, medicine, tuition etc. will get good work. Do not go for buying, selling or taking loans on 26 and 27 November. This is a good time for the students. Will increase interest in studies; It will be a good time for lawyers, teachers or those preparing for civil services. Tension will be removed from the child side. Enemies will be defeated. Friendly relations with wife can be seen. The health of the couple will improve. Unmarried can survive; Friends too. vehicle check; Installation carefully. Honour and respect to Mann from the journey and in the meeting. Get success in politics and court programs.


Scorpio (Virīśchīk)
23 October – 21 November

Time is not very favourable on the health front. Rahu will cause mental stress, increase in blood pressure and stomach problems. Avoid getting stressed without reason. Patients with gastric and ulcer should be careful while eating. People suffering from anxiety and depression should practice meditation yoga. Dental patients will have trouble. Economically, average time. The men of the family may get entangled in unnecessary misunderstandings. Avoid giving loans. The benefit of land or vehicle will remain as usual. Business will also be average. But those doing business of bullion, stone, stationery, books, paper, computer or similar will see a good time. Avoid buying or selling or financial deals on November 20 and 21. An excellent time for students, especially those taking on-the-job coaching; Employment prospects are strong. Those who want children will get good news. Any tension regarding the child will be removed. Enemies will be defeated. Relationship between husband and wife will be good and full of love. But the husband will become more aggressive. People suffering from high blood pressure should control their anger. Avoid travel. Husband and wife will doubt each other. You will gain in social respect and prestige. It’s a good time for government servants. There are chances of promotion. Job seekers will get it.


Sagittarius (Dhānū)
22 November – 21 December

Time is favourable for the people of Sagittarius in terms of health. But Mars will have an adverse effect on people suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes and heart patients. Allergy and blood disorder patients will also face tough times. Stay healthy by practicing meditation yoga. Financially, the time is good. The stopped money will be gone. The scope of new business will increase. However, if Moon and Saturn are in unfavourable positions in your horoscope, then your troubles may increase. But if Saturn is in its own house then things will not go bad. There will be misunderstanding in the family especially among the women in the family. Land, vehicle business will be average, but there will be no loss. Avoid any deal or debt on 29th and 30th November. This time is favourable for students. Will increase interest in studies; The exam result will be good and there are chances of getting a job. But, if Moon and Saturn are in unfavourable place in your horoscope, then the time will be unfavourable. There will be fear of enemies. Married life will be on a similar vicissitudes; Both should avoid getting angry. Social prestige and fame will increase; Politicians will benefit the most. There are indications of obstruction in promotion for those engaged in government service. Others may also face trouble at the workplace. But despite the problems, the economic benefits will remain.


Capricorn (Makar)
22 December – 19 January

Moderate time in terms of health for Capricorn people. Tough times especially for people suffering from ulcer stomach and gastric diseases. People in whose horoscope Moon and Saturn are in inauspicious place, they have to face many mental and financial problems like stress, loss of money, loss in court, loss of respect etc. But if the Moon and Saturn are in a favourable position, all will be good, an excellent time ahead. Family relations will remain the same. Land, vehicle business will be average. Time is good for people associated with the business of bullion, stone, electricity and medicine. Avoid buying or selling anything on November 25, 26 and 27. Do not invest huge amount in business on these dates. Time is not so good for students also. The exam result will not be as expected. There will be obstacles in studies and job opportunities. You will be worried for your children. Pregnant women may face problems. Relationship between husband and wife will be average. Working couples will see disagreements. There will be loss in social prestige and prestige. Government servants will face trouble; Court matters will also trouble you.


Aquarius (Kūmbh)
20 January–18 February

It is a favourable time on the health front for Aquarius natives. The sight of Saturn on Mars will trouble high blood pressure and heart patients. The timing is especially bad for cancer patients. November 16, 17 and 18 are particularly bad for serious patients. Economically average time, don’t give loan to anyone. Be careful with your partner. Your friends can also cheat on you. There is a possibility of misunderstanding in the family as well. There will be loss in land, vehicle business. The health of the parents may deteriorate. Parents are not well, take extra precautions as the condition may worsen. November 25, 26 and 27 are particularly bad for business. Avoid deals of any kind on these dates. For students, this is an average time. There will be no peace of mind and you will not get results as per your expectations. Married life will be better; If there is any misunderstanding, it will be cleared. You will gain in social prestige and fame. There will be a hindrance in promotion for those doing government jobs. There will be trouble and disputes in the workplace. Those whose Moon and Saturn are in unfavourable place in their horoscope, they will have to face a lot of troubles. But, those whose position of planet Moon and Saturn are in a favourable house, they will get relief from Sade-Sati.


Pisces (Meén)
19 February – 20 March

You will gain in social prestige and fame. Favourable time for politicians. There will be a hindrance in promotion for those doing government jobs. There will be trouble and disputes in the workplace. Those whose Moon and Saturn are in unfavourable place in their horoscope, they will have to face a lot of troubles. But, those whose Moon and Saturn are in a favourable position, they will get relief from Sade Sati. There will be religious and auspicious functions in the house. Land, property, vehicle happiness will remain as usual. Business will be on par. You will not be harmed. Avoid buying or selling or dealing in land, vehicles and financial deals on 21st, 22nd and 23rd November. Also, an average time for students. The exam result will be favourable. Those preparing for a job in banking, accountancy or teaching will get success. There will be concern about the child. Enemies will be defeated. Married life will also be on equal footing. Husband’s behaviour can be aggressive. Be careful if one of the couple suffers from high blood pressure or heart disease. Religious or social work can bring slander. So work without having high expectations and without ego. Court case, political work will be favourable. The wishes of government servants will be fulfilled. There are signs of good financial gains.

doctor a shanker saachibaat 2
doctor a shanker saachibaat
Dr. Shanker Adawal

Dr. A.Shanker
MBA, PhD, Jyotishacarya
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