Why Is That You Are Unable To Be Successful And Great In Life?
The only and only reason that you are unable to be successful in your life is that you keep
unwavering, which means you keep changing your direction. Instead what you need to do is
once you make a plan or a schedule you stick to irrespective of what happens in the world, you
make sure your work is done.
And persevere when it gets tough. There will be many times during your work that it will
overwhelm you, but since that dream is what you want, you have to push through that hell
period as it is in your well-being and get it done.
How To Come To A Decision And Know What You Want?
In order to lead a great and successful life, you need to first know what success is for you. For
some it is to win the Olympics, or Nobel prize while for others it is to run a billion crore business
or just simply be employed as a nurse or help at a chapel.
In simple words, the term success is different for everyone. So, first and foremost, you need to
find out what it means for you. The best way to identify is to let go of all that you know and see
your whole life in your mind as a movie and see what you love or would love to do.
It is very important to understand that you can not go for doing research on all the jobs available
in the world and then pick from it rather let your life experiences, encounters, or episodes of
your life decide what sets your heart on fire.
What Is The Secret To Success?
Once you have defined the term success for yourself then, set out on the journey of making it
true. Talk to experts, experienced ones, do your research, read on it, find out all you can on it
and also who before you was or is the best at it, and then accordingly make your plan.
Once you make your plan then implement it mercilessly. Yes, that is exactly what you need to do
if you are going to get to the top of your field, do not show mercy to yourself. But at the same
time, make sure that you keep a balance between strictness and flexibility. Flexibility here
means that you keep making changes to your schedule for positive growth, and do value
addition daily or weekly as per the review or self evaluation of your daily performance.
This will help you attain your best self professionally and sore high in the sky with your dreams.
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