India’s first Chief of Defence Staff Bipin Rawat along with his wife Madhulike Rawat and many
armed personnel were killed in a helicopter crash on 8 December 2021 but the reason for the
helicopter crash was not clear yet. They were near Coonoor in Tamil Nadu.
Recently in the ongoing winter session of Parliament, the Standing Committee on Defence
shared the Parliamentary panel report that the helicopter crash was due to “HE(A) i.e. “Human
Error (aircrew)” after a thorough inquiry has been conducted in this investigation.
It has come to light that Bipin Rawat’s Mi-17 V5 helicopter crash was not an isolated incident
rather there have been 34 aircraft crashes that took place in India in the last few years.
Hence, we can conclude that our Government needs to make immediate decisions to upgrade
our aircraft and also adhere to timely maintenance. So, if the weather gets bad and the pilot is
unable to handle the aircraft then there is an auto-pilot mode that takes passengers to safe
landing for the time being.
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