Interesting Facts – 10 December 2024

Jeera is fantastic

Why Do We Blink Eyes? 👁️
Blinking is a protective reflex that cleans and moistens the eyeball. Every time you blink, your eyelids spread a cocktail of oils and mucous secretions across the surface of the eye to keep your globes from drying out. Blinking also keeps eyes safe from potentially damaging stimuli, such as bright lights and foreign bodies like dust.

💁🏻‍♂‍ GK TODAY 

 10 December – Death Anniversary of Alfred Nobel

He was a famous scientist, inventor, businessman, and founder of Nobel Prizes. His father was an engineer and inventor. He was born on October 21, 1833, and died on December 10, 1869. He invented dynamite and other more powerful explosives. 
Chakravarti Rajagopalachari (C.
Rajagopalachari; 10 December 1878 – 25 December 1972), informally called Rajaji or C.R., was an Indian politician, independence activist, lawyer, writer, historian and statesman.
Familiarity breeds contempt 

The better you know someone the less you like him
Captivity : Freedom, Liberty 

Evaluate – Assess


Jeera is fantastic for digestion 

One of the most well-known jeera water uses. The powerful anti-gas chemicals within protect the body against irritable bowel disease and solves flatulence, belching and burps in a flash. It should be first on the list of everyone looking for a simple, quick remedy for their stomach woes.

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Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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