Education Section – 6 September 2024


Rajasthan: Capital Jaipur 
 was built in 1727 AD by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II. It is from his name that the city extracts its name. Jaipur happens to be the first planned city of India. Maharaja Jai Singh, who was only 11 years old, came into power after the demise of his father Maharaja Bishan Singh.

What Is a Kalasha?

A brass, mud or copper pot is filled with water. Mango leaves are placed in the mouth of the pot and a coconut is placed over it. A red or white thread is tied around its neck or sometimes all around it in a intricate diamond-shaped pattern. The pot may be decorated wit designs. Such a pot is known as a kalasha.

When the pot is filled with water or rice, it is known as PURNAKUMBHA representing the inert body which when filled with the divine life force gains the power to do all the wonderful things. The water in the kalasha symbolizes the primordial water from which the entire creation emerged.

The thread represents the love that “ binds ” all in creation.

 The kalasha is therefore considered auspicious and worshipped. 

आज का पंचांग

06 – सितम्बर -2024
दिन – शुक्रवार
संम्वत् – २०८१
युगाब्द – ५१२६
मास – भाद्रपद
पक्ष – शुक्ल
तिथि -‌‌ तृतीया
नक्षत्र – हस्त
योग – शुक्ल
करण -‌ गर वणिज
सूर्योदय – ६:०१ सूर्यास्त – ६:३३
राहु काल १०:३० से १२:०० बजे तक मध्याह्न काल।
विषेश हरतालिका तीज व्रत।
🌹।। सुभाषित।।🌹
” प्रार्थना ”
दरस्मित समुल्लसद्वदनकान्तिपूरामृतैः
भवज्वलन भर्जिताननिशमूर्जयन्ती नरान् ।
विवेकमय चन्द्रिका चयचमत्कृतिं तन्वती
तनोतु मम शं तनोः सपदि शन्तनोरङ्गना॥

अर्थात् – शांतनु अन्गिनी गंगा! तीन ताप के भवजाल से निरंतर विदग्धित जीवों को अपने स्मितमुस्कान युक्त मुख, कांतिपूरित वदनामृत और विवेक चन्द्रिका प्रसाद से शीतलता प्रदान करने वाली आप, मेरे भी पाप ताप का शमन कर शांति प्रदान करें।
🚩🕉🌹🕉️ 🚩

LEARN Sanskrit
 You sit.
 ‘tvam upavishasi (त्वम् उपविशसि )’

I sit. ‘aham upavishaami (अहम् उपविशामि )

 कन्त्वम् : Prosperity
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Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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